天线空间即将呈现艺术家斯坦尼斯拉娃·科瓦奇科娃(Stanislava Kovalcikova)在中国的首次个展「新生太阳的第一缕光」。展览于2023年5月5日开幕,并持续至2023年7月2日。
Antenna Space is delighted to present Stanislava Kovalcikova's solo exhibition First Rays of the New Sun. The exhibition opens on 5th May 2023. Visiting by private appointment only, the exhibition runs through 2nd of July.
斯坦尼斯拉娃·科瓦奇科娃(Stanislava Kovalcikova)的绘画对观众的观看方式有一定的要求——观看的视线应如光线照射一般。这种直达未知终点的视线,穿越视觉的障碍,让画布表面与视线产生共振。
The sun ate the second sun; there used to be two, two much smaller suns, one to shine on each hemisphere – east and west. Now there is only one sun that both hemispheres have to share, and hence, night.
Stanislava Kovalcikova’s paintings make a certain demand upon the viewer – namely, a vision that acts as light. A vision that can flow through obstacles, till arriving at a final destination that is undefined; that is resonant upon the surface.
Space Ranger, 2023
170 x 120 cm
And: always a risk that that surface will be transcended. What lies beneath: more surface. Unlike the sun, the earth is all layers – its encrustations that place where history meets geology. A painting should match that process, and that’s why it takes so long to happen. Fried egg forms a breast, suddenly the sky is red, a distant relative drowns in the sea, and upon the shore, patches of mottled gold infer a supporting structure of decay that endures enough, through its flawed substance, to support and uphold us, despite our fallings – our flailings. Everywhere you might look, it all becomes a landscape – the power of a certain measured mode of looking – peopled by de-mythologized human creatures morphing outwardly into the animals that reside within. Here comes a woman having sprouted horns, riding high upon the bull she has managed to conquer – Europa unvanquished. Face leaking gold sweat onto the brickwork, body eating its way into the sky’s machinery. All paintings have a reflective surface, forcing you to look within while studying these monstrous projections of an externalized self. The sensation of movement pre-occupies – back-and-forth, from the present plane to a zone that just escapes our view: evasion is the nature of this confrontation. Kovalcikova paints a light that you can hear. Fragmentation of micro universes enlarged to expose those happenstance narrative vulnerabilities that are but dreamspeck projection-shards of our own.
The sun, whorish in her appetites, will one day puke the undigested remnants of her eaten twin. Then we will have to learn how to see with all those new flecks of unrefracted light.
文/Travis Jeppesen
斯坦尼斯拉娃·科瓦奇科娃(b.1988,捷克斯洛伐克)现生活和工作于杜塞尔多夫。科瓦奇科娃师从托马·阿布茨(Tomma Abts)和彼得·多伊格(Peter Doig),于杜塞尔多夫艺术学院获得了绘画学士和硕士学位。
近期个展:天线空间,上海,中国(2023即将展出);“Grotto”,当代美术馆 – Belvedere 21,维也纳,奥地利(2022);“am I dead yet”,Peres Projects,柏林,德国(2022);“Duftmarken oder die Unfähigkeit sich mitzuteilen”,sonneundsolche,杜塞尔多夫,德国(2022);“Imaga”,15orient,纽约,美国(2021);“Eastern Promises”,Open Forum,柏林,德国(2020);“Cautionary tales”,Mamoth,伦敦,英国(2020);“Turn on inside”,Ten Haaf Projects,阿姆斯特丹,荷兰(2019)等。
近期群展:“Interior”,Michael Werner Gallery,伦敦,英国(2022);“Dark Light, Realism in the Age of Post Truth”,Aïshti Foundaton,贝鲁特,黎巴嫩(2022);“Do Nothing, Feel Everything”,维也纳美术馆(Kunsthalle Wien),奥地利(2021);“what fruits it bears”,Peres Projects,柏林,德国(2020);“Queer, queer Kasimir”,Saska Kepa Salon,华沙,波兰(2020);“If on a Winter’s Night a Traveller”,Mamoth,伦敦,英国(2020);“On the politics of delicacy”,Capitain Petzel,柏林,德国(2020);“Gubbinal”,Project Native Informant,伦敦,英国(2019);“Painting also known as blood”,华沙现代艺术博物馆,华沙,波兰(2019)等。