HOW Art Museum 5th Anniversary Collection Exhibition: “You as Me, Hold the Gaze”
2023.02.17 - 05.28
策展人 Curator
徐天仪(Xu Tianyi)
上海市浦东新区祖冲之路 2277 弄 1 号
HOW Art Museum (Shanghai) F1,
No.1, 2277 Zuchongzhi Avenue, Pudong, Shanghai
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aaajiao与胡昀参加昊美术馆馆藏展“你和我,保持凝视”,分别展出作品《枯山水》 (aaajiao)、《无题》(胡昀)。本次展览作为昊美术馆 (上海) 开馆五周年举办的特别展览,精选20余位国内外艺术家的30余件馆藏装置和影像作品。
展览展出aaajiao作品《枯山水》。枯山水原指由细沙碎石铺地,再加上一些叠放有致的石组所构成的缩微式园林景观,没有水景,其中的“水”通常由砂石表现,而“山”通常用石块表现,创造一种宁静,而此刻的宁静,蕴含一种“趋势”,即一下刻的运动,这种“势”,是力量 :一种生⻓的力量, 也是运动中静止的瞬间,以静制动。
aaajiao, Karesansui, 2014, Sponge, metal structure, Dimension variable
Hu Yun, Untitled, 2016, Antique saddle, yoga mat, stereoscope, stereograph, Dimension variable
aaajiao and Hu Yun participated in the exhibition "You as Me, Hold the Gaze" at the How Art Museum, exhibited the works Karesansui (aaajiao) and Untitled (Hu Yun). The exhibition on view, as celebration of the fifth anniversary of the HOW Art Museum (Shanghai), features over 30 pieces of installations and videos by more than 20 artists.
aaajiao's work Karesansui is exhibited in the exhibition. karesansui or "dry landscape" garden, often called a zen garden, creates a miniature stylised landscape through carefully composed arrangements of rocks, water features, moss, pruned trees and bushes, and uses gravel or sand that is raked to represent ripples in water.Create a peaceful, quiet at the moment, contains a "trend" that is what engraved movement, this "potential", is power: a power of growth, but also in the rest of the instant motion, inaction.
"You as Me, Hold the Gaze", installation view, HOW Art Museum (Shanghai), 2023
Another exhibited work Untitled was created by artist Hu Yun based on an exploration of the geographical features of China's Shaanxi and Gansu provinces in 1908 organized by Robert Sterling Clark, an American. One day during the exploration, an Indian member was found missing. Then came the bad news-this Indian member, while practicing yoga in front of local residents, was regarded as heterodox, and was killed in the ensuing conflict. The expedition was pronounced over due to this unexpected tragedy. There is a book with all the details about the expedition, titled Through Shên-kan: the account of the Clark expedition in north China, 1908-9. Hu Yun encountered the story through the research of Arthur de Carle Sowerby, who was the director of Natural History Museum in the Asia Society Shanghai for several years (the museum is nowadays the Rockbund Art Museum). And Hu Yun had used this expedition trip story as his material for the first time in his first solo at AIKE in 2013, and later it appeared again in his other works include the live based installation at Guangdong Times Museum in 2014.
"You as Me, Hold the Gaze", installation view, HOW Art Museum (Shanghai), 2023
The exhibition follows the principle of “contemporary is he who firmly holds his gaze on his own time” . Under the title You as Me, “you” and “I” are the core of the dialogue with the space, to fill up the absence of subject and scene, reflect upon the tragedies of the century, build connections between contemporary events and past reference, define time from a sociological perspective, treat the “contemporary” as a dividing point between the past and the future, disrupt and reverse language on the cultural level through social installation, rethink of the cultural representations beyond the physical body to confront the fragmented digital world, and morph into an organic life form that cannot be written off in this digital world. The exhibition opened on 17 February 2023 and will last until 28 May.
Courtesy of the HOW Art Museum
胡昀 Hu Yun
奶粉zhou Nathan Zhou
"The Sound of Nature"
2023.02.18 - 04.02
每周二至周六 Tue - Sat,10:00 - 18:00
Bldg 6, 2555 Longteng Avenue, Shanghai, China