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蔡文悠:艺术、自然、1025室内的普拉提丨AMNUA《通明》系列 视频资讯 AMNUA视野 崇真艺客




本期首先推送的是参与《通明》的蔡文悠(Wen-You Cai)近期的一个基于大众媒介的“快手”系列,推送标题为编者所加。本期推送中的关于作品的文本除特别标注外,均为艺术家的介绍性自述。

蔡文悠:艺术、自然、1025室内的普拉提丨AMNUA《通明》系列 视频资讯 AMNUA视野 崇真艺客


Exhibition view, When All At Once I Turn My Head, I Find Her There Where Lantern Light Is Brightly Shed.

蔡文悠:艺术、自然、1025室内的普拉提丨AMNUA《通明》系列 视频资讯 AMNUA视野 崇真艺客


Exhibition view, When All At Once I Turn My Head, I Find Her There Where Lantern Light Is Brightly Shed.

蔡文悠:艺术、自然、1025室内的普拉提丨AMNUA《通明》系列 视频资讯 AMNUA视野 崇真艺客


Exhibition view, When All At Once I Turn My Head, I Find Her There Where Lantern Light Is Brightly Shed.

Since 2020, while living in pandemic, I have been exploring the world through the screen, experimenting for the first time overlaying my usual analogue photography medium onto the digital arena. I explored the use of photographs from my past travels to the present through the virtual background feature on Zoom. Capturing videos became a way to explore myself in the space of my dwelling, often in isolation, to share with others or keep for personal archive. The exploration of video recordings, and telecommunication all became an attempt to travel boundlessly under the inherent physical restrictions. 

Using myself as my own performer in each video, offers a study of the relational dynamic between my relationship with the past and present, nature and technology. With the screen as my canvas, I explore creative compositions with my body in conjunction with historic conventions of art and beauty, while in regards with my personal aspirations, though sometimes camouflaged into the background. Instead of forcing an expected outcome, I collaborate with the inconsistencies the technology offers at its current stages, which also acts as a timestamp for when the work was conceived.

自 2020 年以来,我一直在通过屏幕探索世界,第一次尝试将我通常使用的,拟像性质的摄影媒介,叠加到到数字场域。通过 Zoom 上的虚拟背景功能,我探索运用从过去到现在积累的旅行快照。在自己通常是与世隔绝的栖居空间中,抓拍视频成为探索自己的一种方式,用来与他人分享或保存个人生活档案。我对录像记录和远程通讯的探索,都变成了一种在固有的物理限制下进行某种无界旅行的尝试。


Screen recording of Pilates videos taken against the backdrop of art history and nature, as I performed short exercises in museums, and in nature. These were footages taken to be posted on Instagram as part of the hashtag #pilatesinthewild where people exercised different pilates motions in settings outside the of the conventional pilates class. The video has recently been re-edited to reflect the experience on the desktop, as those real life moments are forever looped and re-experienced in digital space.

《桌面普拉提》是我在博物馆和大自然中,在艺术史和自然背景前进行简短普拉提练习的各种视屏的录屏。人们在传统普拉提课堂之外的环境中练习不同的普拉提动作,这些是我作为#pilatesinthewild 主题标签的一部分发布在社交媒体上的视频片段。该视频最近经过重新剪辑,以反思在电脑桌面上的别样体验,因为那些现实生活中的时刻永远在数字空间中循环,被重新体验。

蔡文悠:艺术、自然、1025室内的普拉提丨AMNUA《通明》系列 视频资讯 AMNUA视野 崇真艺客

Wen-You Cai 蔡文悠 
Desktop Pilates 桌面普拉提
2019, Edited 2022 2019,剪辑2022 
Video 影像 
4:26 min 
© 致谢艺术家 Courtesy of the Artist

《Zoom 普拉提》是2020 - 2021 年期间在Zoom 上的普拉提课程视频汇编。为了保持社交距离,我的长期普拉提教练 Mariko Russell 和她的妹妹 Keiko Taniguchi 转向在Zoom 上带普拉提课。我使用 Zoom 的虚拟背景设置,通过重返以前访问过的地方来创作诙谐的作品,亦可满足我们超越隔离的限制去旅行的渴望。

虚拟背景被设置为社会、自然和艺术的不同场景。除了其中一个背景,所有的背景都是我拍的照片。通过普拉提练习,我探索了自己身体的能力,以及它与物理和虚拟环境的关系,探索了艺术史中描绘的人类身体形态的各种社会理念。 在作品中,身体可以作为穿越整个屏幕的建构,并且各个屏幕窗口之间还可以相互参考。

蔡文悠:艺术、自然、1025室内的普拉提丨AMNUA《通明》系列 视频资讯 AMNUA视野 崇真艺客

Wen-You Cai 蔡文悠

Zoom Pilates | Zoom 普拉提

Footage 2020 - 2021, Edited 2022 拍摄2020 - 2021,剪辑2022

Virtual Background, Video 虚拟背景,影像

10:25 min

© 致谢艺术家 Courtesy of the Artist

A compilation of videos from pilates classes hosted on Zoom in 2020–2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic. Socially distant, my longtime pilates instructor Mariko Russell and her sister Keiko Taniguchi went on Zoom to host pilates classes. I used Zoom’s Virtual Background setting to explore a composition of returning to photographs of previously visited places for humor, and satisfy a longing for travel beyond the confines of our quarantine.

The virtual backgrounds are set to different scenes of society, nature, and art. All but one background were photographs I had taken. Through the pilate exercises, I explore the capacity of my body and its relation to the physical and virtual environments, as well as social ideals of the human form depicted in art history. The body also serves as a composition across the screen, and with various windows serving in reference to each other.

蔡文悠:艺术、自然、1025室内的普拉提丨AMNUA《通明》系列 视频资讯 AMNUA视野 崇真艺客

蔡文悠:艺术、自然、1025室内的普拉提丨AMNUA《通明》系列 视频资讯 AMNUA视野 崇真艺客

Exhibition view, When All At Once I Turn My Head, I Find Her There Where Lantern Light Is Brightly Shed.

《怡庭酒店1025房》是我于 2021 年 6 月 3 日至 17 日在上海酒店期间拍摄的视频。日常生活和平凡经历的录像成为一种可供观众不断回放的某种细致研究,某种好奇。

蔡文悠:艺术、自然、1025室内的普拉提丨AMNUA《通明》系列 视频资讯 AMNUA视野 崇真艺客

蔡文悠:艺术、自然、1025室内的普拉提丨AMNUA《通明》系列 视频资讯 AMNUA视野 崇真艺客

Wen-You Cai 蔡文悠 

Yiting 1025 怡庭酒店1025房 

2021, edited 2022 

Video 影像 

23:19 min 

© 致谢艺术家 Courtesy of the Artist

Footage taken during my 14-day mandatory hotel quarantine from June 3–17, 2021 in Shanghai. Recordings of the daily routines and mundane experiences become a meticulous study and curiosity to be played back for an audience of one.


蔡文悠:艺术、自然、1025室内的普拉提丨AMNUA《通明》系列 视频资讯 AMNUA视野 崇真艺客


 Exhibition view, When All At Once I Turn My Head, I Find Her There Where Lantern Light Is Brightly

蔡文悠带领一干高手,相隔在不同的地方,经历恍惚的时时刻刻,回忆尘封的小乐趣,有时甚至是我们长期忽视或遗忘的历历细节。电话会议将现已停产的柯达转盘幻灯机(一种怀旧的照片共享技术)与 Zoom(目前最流行的通信形式)连接起来,带我们踏上连接过去、现在和未来的数字之旅。作为“前沿会议”系列的一部分,《转盘》 是一个由 Special Special 和 Wildman Clab 主持的现场表演。



Lu Zhang,主持人


Hannah Wnorowski,艺术家/预言家

Will Doenlen,艺术家/技术专家/科学家

Friso Hsiao,糕点师/葡萄酒鉴赏家

Lavender Au,记者



表演于 2020 年 5 月 17 日在 Zoom 上进行

蔡文悠:艺术、自然、1025室内的普拉提丨AMNUA《通明》系列 视频资讯 AMNUA视野 崇真艺客

蔡文悠:艺术、自然、1025室内的普拉提丨AMNUA《通明》系列 视频资讯 AMNUA视野 崇真艺客

蔡文悠:艺术、自然、1025室内的普拉提丨AMNUA《通明》系列 视频资讯 AMNUA视野 崇真艺客

Wen-You Cai 蔡文悠 

Carousel 转盘 


Virtual background, video 虚拟背景,影像 

100:00 min 

© 致谢艺术家 Courtesy of the Artist

Carousel: A performative panel that takes you on a trip across time and space

Wen-You Cai leads a panel of distinguished experts, isolated in different locations, through a journey of blurry moments, reminisce on dusty small pleasures, and sometimes crisp details we have long overlooked or forgotten. The conference call connects the now discontinued Kodak Carousel slide projector, a nostalgic technology of photo sharing, to Zoom, currently the most prevalent form of communication, taking us on a digital ride that binds past, present, and future. This was a live presentation hosted by Special Special and Wildman Clab present as part of a series called ‘The Frontiers Conference.’


Wen-You Cai as Tour Guide

Lu Zhang as Moderator


Hannah Wnorowski as Artist / Oracle

Will Doenlen as Artist / Technologist / Scientist

Friso Hsiao as Pastry Chef / Wine Connoisseur

Lavender Au as Journalist

Qianfan Gu as Art critic

Yi Xin Tong as Artist / Fisherman

Performance took place on Zoom, May 17, 2020

关于本期艺术家 About the participant 

蔡文悠:艺术、自然、1025室内的普拉提丨AMNUA《通明》系列 视频资讯 AMNUA视野 崇真艺客
Photo by Midge Wattle 由米基·沃特拍摄

蔡文悠,1989年出生于日本东京,是一位现居纽约的艺术家、策展人和写作者。作为一个出生在日本,在纽约长大的中国人,正如她的写作、艺术和策展实践中所呈现的的那样,蔡文悠跨文化的、经常混淆的身份已被注入到她创作努力的各个领域。她经常用摄影的方式来记录和存档来自她周围世界的灵感和时时刻刻。2015 年,她出版了回忆录《可不可以不艺术》,讲述了她在艺术界的成长。2016 年,她创立了 Special Special,这是 一家商店、画廊,以及创意平台,至今已经同艺术家和创客合作,在纽约、上海和澳门举办了40多场独特的项目。她的摄影作品曾在荷兰马斯特里赫特的Bonnefantenmuseum 展出(2016 )。2019年,她在澳门MGM COTAI展出了她的首个个展《蛇拍的鸡虎羊》,展出了她十二年来拍摄的家庭照片。蔡文悠毕业于罗德岛设计学院和金史密斯学院。

Wen-You Cai, born in 1989 in Tokyo, Japan,  is an artist, curator, and writer based in New York. As a Chinese, born in Japan, and raised in New York, her cross-cultural, often confused, identity has been infused in all areas of her creative endeavors as portrayed in her writing, art, and curatorial practices. She frequently photographs as a means to document and archive moments and inspirations from the world around her. In 2015, she published her memoir When You Make No Art, about growing up in the art world. In 2016, she founded Special Special a shop, gallery, and creative platform that has produced over 40 unique collaborations with artists and makers with projects in New York, Shanghai, and Macau. Her photographs have been exhibited at Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht, Netherlands (2016). In 2019, she exhibited her first solo exhibition Rooster Tiger Sheep by Snake of family photographs taken over twelve years at MGM COTAI, Macau. She is a graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design and Goldsmiths College.

蔡文悠:艺术、自然、1025室内的普拉提丨AMNUA《通明》系列 视频资讯 AMNUA视野 崇真艺客

关于《通明》项目 About the Project

蔡文悠:艺术、自然、1025室内的普拉提丨AMNUA《通明》系列 视频资讯 AMNUA视野 崇真艺客
Exhibition view, When All At Once I Turn My Head, I Find Her There Where Lantern Light Is Brightly

蔡文悠:艺术、自然、1025室内的普拉提丨AMNUA《通明》系列 视频资讯 AMNUA视野 崇真艺客

《通明》展览现场,special programme

Exhibition view, When All At Once I Turn My Head, I Find Her There Where Lantern Light Is Brightly

蔡文悠:艺术、自然、1025室内的普拉提丨AMNUA《通明》系列 视频资讯 AMNUA视野 崇真艺客


When All At Once I Turn My Head, I Find Her There Where Lantern Light Is Brightly Shed. 

2022,10.21 - 2022,11.22
NO.2 & 5 Hall, Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts, Nanjing, China

蔡文悠 Wen-You Cai      胡为一 Hu Weiyi      林延 Lin Yan      谭 天 Tan Tian      韦 嘉 Wei Jia      

朱 砂 Zhu Sha      赵银鸥 Zhao Yinou

策展人Curated and made by Wang Yamin


出品人 Produced by Li Xiaoshan
主办 Organizer: 南京艺术学院美术馆 AMNUA

Supported by  
Institute for Contemporary Art Nanjing(ICAN)

鸣谢 Acknowledgements
谷公馆 Michael Ku Gallery   HdM画廊 HdM GALLERY   马刺画廊 SPURS Gallery   SPECIAL SPECIAL   谷浩宇Michael Ku   杨贵哥 GS Young.  陈柯杏 Chen Kexing   Di Zhengjie 狄政杰   林芊羽 Lin Qianyu   阚香凝 Naoh   吴越 Wu Yue   谢毅 Xie Yi   周安琪 Zhou Anqi 
蔡文悠:艺术、自然、1025室内的普拉提丨AMNUA《通明》系列 视频资讯 AMNUA视野 崇真艺客
蔡文悠:艺术、自然、1025室内的普拉提丨AMNUA《通明》系列 视频资讯 AMNUA视野 崇真艺客
蔡文悠:艺术、自然、1025室内的普拉提丨AMNUA《通明》系列 视频资讯 AMNUA视野 崇真艺客
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