
夏航|我用精确的数字去描述一种感觉 ARTIST INTERVIEW | XIA HANG

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夏航|我用精确的数字去描述一种感觉 ARTIST INTERVIEW | XIA HANG 博文精选 芳草地画廊 夏航 数字 感觉 HANG INTERVIEW XIA Tree 不锈钢 雕塑 世界 崇真艺客
△ 光阴之隙 Memory Tree
不锈钢 Stainless steel
800 × 600 cm

“雕塑是一切,是世界的法则。” 这是德国雕塑家威廉·勒姆布吕克对雕塑这一媒介的认识。若将它放在艺术家夏航身上继续演绎,大抵会变成:“游戏是一切,是雕塑的法则”。哲学家康德曾在自身审美认知基础上提出“游戏说”,合法化创作之无目的性并将其自由本质归结为人类的天性。

"Sculpture is the essence of things, the essence of nature." This is how German sculptor Wilhelm Lehmbruck's talks about the medium of sculpture. We could refer to the sculptures of Xia Hang as it follows: "Playing is the essence of things, the essence of sculpture”. The philosopher Kant conceptualized the theory of playing impulse as the basis of his own aesthetic to legitimize the purposelessness of creation, associated with the free character of human nature. 

“‘美是一种在感性冲动和形式冲动之间展开起自身自由的潜在的游戏冲动。’夏航正是基于这样的源动力,开始了其既感性又理性的游戏般的创作。”  —— 赵文娇,侨福集团艺术文化部总监 


Playing games is essential for Xia Hang, who is also deeply influenced by popular animation and films. He fully integrates classical aesthetics, architecture and toy manufacturing into his unique creative language and methodology. From the character "Alu" created in the early days to locomotives and tool carts, to graphic works representing the beauty of nature, Xia Hang uses mortise and tenon and other joint structure techniques to combine hundreds of stainless steel mechanical parts and assemble them into sculptures. These mechanical structures seem sophisticated and complex, however they have no practical function. This peculiarity highlights their non-utilitarian and pure artistic character.   

夏航|我用精确的数字去描述一种感觉 ARTIST INTERVIEW | XIA HANG 博文精选 芳草地画廊 夏航 数字 感觉 HANG INTERVIEW XIA Tree 不锈钢 雕塑 世界 崇真艺客
△ 徘徊者 Ranger
不锈钢 Stainless steel
230 × 130 × 70 cm

夏航|我用精确的数字去描述一种感觉 ARTIST INTERVIEW | XIA HANG 博文精选 芳草地画廊 夏航 数字 感觉 HANG INTERVIEW XIA Tree 不锈钢 雕塑 世界 崇真艺客
△ 《徘徊者》,悉尼邦迪海滩
Ranger at Bondi Beach, Sydney

夏航|我用精确的数字去描述一种感觉 ARTIST INTERVIEW | XIA HANG 博文精选 芳草地画廊 夏航 数字 感觉 HANG INTERVIEW XIA Tree 不锈钢 雕塑 世界 崇真艺客
△ 夏航作品《龙涎定海》,青海胶东国际机场
 Long Xian Ding Hai by Xia Hang at Qingdao Jiaodong International Airport


Echoing Lehmbruck’s statement, Xia Hang is an artist-demiurge: he starts with a single word and he ends up creating a brand new language with its own grammar. This "grammar" can be referred to as "subjective": although every piece of Xia Hang’s work needs to be carefully calculated before executing the manual assemblage in order to guarantee the correct position and size of each tiny unit, however Xia Hang believes that he is using a scientific and mathematical approach to describe individual feelings.

夏航|我用精确的数字去描述一种感觉 ARTIST INTERVIEW | XIA HANG 博文精选 芳草地画廊 夏航 数字 感觉 HANG INTERVIEW XIA Tree 不锈钢 雕塑 世界 崇真艺客

△ 传奇 Legend
不锈钢 Stainless steel
100 × 100 cm × 4

夏航|我用精确的数字去描述一种感觉 ARTIST INTERVIEW | XIA HANG 博文精选 芳草地画廊 夏航 数字 感觉 HANG INTERVIEW XIA Tree 不锈钢 雕塑 世界 崇真艺客
△ 噪音 Noise
不锈钢 Stainless steel
210 × 130 cm

利用在虚拟世界具象到数字层面的精确性,呈现艺术家的内在向往 —— 一个单纯的游戏世界。而使世界运作的能量来源,是多年来夏航对造型美学的信仰、与对玩耍之于人类重要意义的天然直觉。而那些强调互动、交流甚至对抗的“玩耍”,对于今日的人类而言,似乎显得别样可贵。

The accuracy that Xia Hang uses to transfer the "concreteness" of a virtual world into a digital dimension is aimed at creating a pure and playful world. The world of Xia Hang is imbued with a vibrant energy which comes from his endless pursuit of modeling aesthetics and from his intuition about the importance of playing for mankind. Playing emphasizes interaction, communication and even confrontation and this is extremely valuable nowadays. 

“夏航以动物性特质辨识主体性世界,配合毫无差异的机械性精密的分解,在不同个体内部寻找相似性的同时并没有抹去个体原有的意义,而是更加专注于多元体系的内部原有主体间的相互契合关系。以同质化的结构创造不同文化相遇和撞击, 这种相互联接而又相互排斥的胶着状态,让人想起德勒兹提到 “多元论 = 一元论”的神奇公式。” —— 苏磊,策展人、艺术理论家

夏航|我用精确的数字去描述一种感觉 ARTIST INTERVIEW | XIA HANG 博文精选 芳草地画廊 夏航 数字 感觉 HANG INTERVIEW XIA Tree 不锈钢 雕塑 世界 崇真艺客

△ 游说者 Lobbyist

不锈钢 Stainless steel

266 × 180 × 560 cm


P = PVG ART  芳草地画廊
X = XIA HANG  夏航

Your artworks are often considered “playful sculptures”. Did you realized “Toy Independence" in your childhood?

X:小时候能拥有四五种玩具就不错了。最常见的是弹玻璃球,还有“pia ji”。“pia ji”就是纸壳做的玩具,圆形,正面有印刷画。我当年最喜欢的是一套可拆卸的铁片螺丝玩具,吊车、工具车等等,现在还留着呢。

Of course not. When I was young, it would be good enough to have four or five kinds of toys. The most common toys were small bouncing balls made of glass, and "Pia Ji". "Pia ji" is a round shaped toy made of paper shell with printed pictures on it. Back then, my favorite one was a set of assembled iron toys including cranes, tool carts, etc. I still keep it.

夏航|我用精确的数字去描述一种感觉 ARTIST INTERVIEW | XIA HANG 博文精选 芳草地画廊 夏航 数字 感觉 HANG INTERVIEW XIA Tree 不锈钢 雕塑 世界 崇真艺客
△ 定海者 Ocean Protector
不锈钢 Stainless steel
275 × 125 × 120 cm


What about the animation work that influenced you the most?


It must be Transformers. Animation was just imported in the early 1990s. At that time, I was impressed by the author’s intelligence and I thought that the concept behind the work was very attractive.

夏航|我用精确的数字去描述一种感觉 ARTIST INTERVIEW | XIA HANG 博文精选 芳草地画廊 夏航 数字 感觉 HANG INTERVIEW XIA Tree 不锈钢 雕塑 世界 崇真艺客

△ 甲午 Jia Wu

不锈钢 Stainless steel

140 × 58 × 28 cm


夏航|我用精确的数字去描述一种感觉 ARTIST INTERVIEW | XIA HANG 博文精选 芳草地画廊 夏航 数字 感觉 HANG INTERVIEW XIA Tree 不锈钢 雕塑 世界 崇真艺客

△ 梦游者 Dream Walker

不锈钢 Stainless steel

75 × 65 × 50 cm


夏航|我用精确的数字去描述一种感觉 ARTIST INTERVIEW | XIA HANG 博文精选 芳草地画廊 夏航 数字 感觉 HANG INTERVIEW XIA Tree 不锈钢 雕塑 世界 崇真艺客

△ 星辰之歌 Star's Melody

不锈钢 Stainless steel

800 × 800 × 400 cm



When did your personal style start to take shape?


I began to apply the method of assembling materials to create sculptures in 2009, when I realized the work for my graduation. I used to make sculptures with toys assemblage in the past, however in my early experiments I used to use few units and a rather simple mechanical principle. I like to study technology and appreciate the way things are structured.


Why do you choose cool stainless steel as the main material?


The reflective character of stainless steel is particularly interesting. When viewers look at the surface of the sculpture, they see nothing but reflection of the surrounding environment.

夏航|我用精确的数字去描述一种感觉 ARTIST INTERVIEW | XIA HANG 博文精选 芳草地画廊 夏航 数字 感觉 HANG INTERVIEW XIA Tree 不锈钢 雕塑 世界 崇真艺客

△ 追光者 Light Follower

不锈钢 Stainless steel

1680 × 680 × 750 cm



Why do you use mortise and tenon and other architectural structures to join your sculptures? Why is reversibility important to you?


At the beginning, I wanted the viewers to interact with the artworks, so my sculptures were reversible and removable. Later on, I created irreversible works, as I choose not to distinguish between the artist and the audience: we all belong to the same medium, we are all humans. As long as there is a basic involvement of the audience, an interaction between the digital world and the human dimension is established. 

夏航|我用精确的数字去描述一种感觉 ARTIST INTERVIEW | XIA HANG 博文精选 芳草地画廊 夏航 数字 感觉 HANG INTERVIEW XIA Tree 不锈钢 雕塑 世界 崇真艺客

△ 守望者 Watcher

不锈钢 Stainless steel

140 × 85 × 120 cm



What about your next goals?


I’m going to make works revolving around the subject matters of energy and memory. The shape will be created by a smart and out-of-the-air energy. I will carve out the space from a flat surface and then I will interweave it with other elements, establishing a logic between the flat surface, which is treated as a space, and the energy of the creation. 

夏航|我用精确的数字去描述一种感觉 ARTIST INTERVIEW | XIA HANG 博文精选 芳草地画廊 夏航 数字 感觉 HANG INTERVIEW XIA Tree 不锈钢 雕塑 世界 崇真艺客
△ 活塞 Piston
不锈钢 Stainless steel
215 × 45 cm

夏航|我用精确的数字去描述一种感觉 ARTIST INTERVIEW | XIA HANG 博文精选 芳草地画廊 夏航 数字 感觉 HANG INTERVIEW XIA Tree 不锈钢 雕塑 世界 崇真艺客
△ 小男孩 Little Boy
不锈钢 Stainless steel
200 × 80 cm


Could you talk about the "energy in memory” you mentioned?


I'm currently doing research on memory, and I think that fragments of memory are worth to be explored. We often think that we remember something, but the gap between our memory and reality is quite large. Is reality more important than memory or vice versa? I think the latter is more important as people live in memory. Our lives are based on what we can remember; what we can't remember has nothing to do with us. Like a hard disk, if we lose it, we lose everything in it.  


For example, my work Gift represents an horse and it is realized through the creative filter of memory. Maybe I had a similar toy when I was a child, but I am not very sure about it as I was too young. I keep recalling memories from the past but they are blurred: I am never sure whether they happened for real so I sometimes doubt their authenticity. However, we do not need to pursue the authenticity of memory.

夏航|我用精确的数字去描述一种感觉 ARTIST INTERVIEW | XIA HANG 博文精选 芳草地画廊 夏航 数字 感觉 HANG INTERVIEW XIA Tree 不锈钢 雕塑 世界 崇真艺客
△ 礼物 Gift
不锈钢 Stainless steel
100 × 70 × 89 cm


Do you consider applying AR and VR technologies to your existing creative methods?


These techniques are of little significance to my works. Perhaps I have a classic education so I tend to delve more into style and aesthetics. 

夏航|我用精确的数字去描述一种感觉 ARTIST INTERVIEW | XIA HANG 博文精选 芳草地画廊 夏航 数字 感觉 HANG INTERVIEW XIA Tree 不锈钢 雕塑 世界 崇真艺客

△ 古楼 Ancient Building
不锈钢 Stainless steel
215 × 51 cm

photo credit to the artist and Parkview Green Art

夏航|我用精确的数字去描述一种感觉 ARTIST INTERVIEW | XIA HANG 博文精选 芳草地画廊 夏航 数字 感觉 HANG INTERVIEW XIA Tree 不锈钢 雕塑 世界 崇真艺客
夏航      Xia Hang


Xia Hang was born in Shenyang, Liaoning Province in 1978. He received a Bachelor Degree from the Sculputre Department of Lu Xun Academy of Fine Art in 2002; in 2009, he received a Master Degree from the Sculpture Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts. The artist currently works and lives in Beijing. His main solo exhibitions include "Whisperer", Parkview Green Art, Beijing, 2016, "Play&Fun", J Art Gallery, Shanghai, 2010, "Please Don't Touch", New Age Gallery, Beijing, 2008, etc; selected group exhibitions include "Apocalypse of Eschatology", Parkview Green Art 798, Beijing, 2019, "On Sharks & Humanity", Australian National Maritime Museum, Sydney, 2018, "China Sculputre Almanac Exhibition", National Centre for the Performing Arts, China, 2012, etc.

Artworks on sale at Parkview Green Art, please contact us for more information

夏航|我用精确的数字去描述一种感觉 ARTIST INTERVIEW | XIA HANG 博文精选 芳草地画廊 夏航 数字 感觉 HANG INTERVIEW XIA Tree 不锈钢 雕塑 世界 崇真艺客

芳草地画廊  Parkview Green Art

开放时间:全年开放 10:00-22:00
Opening Hours:  Every day 10:00-22:00 

【媒体垂询 I Media Contact】
Tel: (8610) 5662 8257
E-mail: gallery@parkviewgreen.com


夏航|我用精确的数字去描述一种感觉 ARTIST INTERVIEW | XIA HANG 博文精选 芳草地画廊 夏航 数字 感觉 HANG INTERVIEW XIA Tree 不锈钢 雕塑 世界 崇真艺客

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