夫智铉 Jihyun Boo
在艺博会的装置艺术单元展位 I01 上,阿拉里奥展出了韩国艺术家夫智炫(Jihyun BOO)的装置作品《Ultimate Space》。该作品名的灵感源于韩国建筑师金寿根(Swoo-Geun Kim)(1931-1986)所追求的建筑概念。有别于主掌生存的“第一空间”及主掌生产与经济活动的“第二空间”,所谓的“终极空间(Ultimate Space)” 寓意着 “第三空间”,意指丰富人类精神世界的边缘空间,在其中可进行创造、冥想等精神活动。展览现场,在由红光,雾气和废弃的灯具所制造的空间里,观者将浸入一种神秘氛围,仿佛他们正逐渐被从日常生活中分离出去,潜入宇宙之流。零星的鱼灯是展厅外的日常生活与内部“终极空间”之间的唯一连接。钓鱼灯持续而缓慢地上下移动,赋予了这个寂静空间一丝活力。
For the Installations Sector(I01), Korean artist Jihyun BOO’s installationwork ‘Ultimate Space’ will bepresented. The title of this artwork comes from the architectural conceptpursued by a Korean architect Swoo-Geun Kim (1931-1986). ‘Ultimate Space’ implies the ‘third space’, in other words, the marginalspace that makes the spiritual existence of humansabundant such as creation ormeditation, not the ‘first space’ for survival northe ‘second space’ for production or economic activity. In the exhibitionspace,created with red light, fog and discarded lights, the viewers will beimmersedin a mysterious atmosphere as if they are gradually separated from thedailylife and falling into the flow of universe. The sporadicallyinstalledfishing lightsact as the only connection between the daily lifeoutside of theexhibition halland the ultimate space inside. Also the fishinglights thatcontinue to moveslowly up and down grant an exquisite livelinessto the silentplace.
艺术家夫智铉(b. 1979)出生于韩国济州,从2007年起,便开始以废弃的钓鱼灯作为主要创作媒介,其创作也因此被誉为一种新型的“Ready-made”作品, 引起了韩国艺术领域的广泛关注。夫智铉的部分作品形似雕塑,亦有许多作品注重沉浸式氛围的营造,从视觉、触觉、听觉等多角度进行设计,从而使观者获得全新而具有完整性的感官体验。她的作品跨越了流派与形式的边界,奠定了对所谓“跨类型艺术”的理解基础。
Dimensions variable
Jihyun Boo, Net - Being, 2012
Discarded fishing lamps, water, salt, LED, and speaker
Dimensions variable
Jihyun Boo, Net-Being, 2019
Discarded fishing lamps, salt, LED, stainless steel, glass(blue)
Dimensions variable
Jihyun Boo, Net - Being, 2019
Discarded fishing lamps, LED, Dimensions variable
Jihyun Boo, No.190506, 2019
Discarded fishing lamps, LED, stainless steel, glass(green) , 40 x 20 x 28 cm