
影像上海艺术博览会参展画廊 | Galerie Photo 12

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Galerie Photo 12

展位 Booth:D15

参展艺术家 Represented Artists:Luc Fournol, Clark & Pougnaud, Willy RonisGiovanni Gastel, Guy Bourdin, Lothar Schmid, Jean-Marie Périer, André Carrara, Nicolas Baghir

今年,Galerie Photo 12  杜梦堂(Galerie DUMONTEIL)将在影像上海艺术博览会展位D15,共同呈现其代理艺术家的创作,展位空间及相关作品展览将由Valérie-Anne Giscard d'Estaing 组织策划。

Galerie Photo 12 由瓦莱丽-安娜·吉斯卡尔·德斯坦 (法国前总统吉斯卡尔·德斯坦之女) 于2005年成立,经营当代纪实摄影,同时展示前沿时尚摄影师创作的概念摄影以及艺术摄影。此外,画廊还代理摄影史上代表艺术家的创作,世界重要时刻的记录性摄影和极具生活理念的摄影作品。除了展示在艺术界颇有声望的大师级摄影师之外,画廊也推动具有潜力的新兴摄影师。画廊总部位于巴黎,但其所代理的艺术家却来自世界各地,包括欧洲,北美以及亚洲,在体现了摄影艺术的国际走向的同时,画廊还持续探索摄影的文化内涵,摄影与新媒体以及电影的联系。


Galerie Photo 12 画廊定期参加各种艺术博览会,其在巴黎的画廊以及洛杉矶的分画廊也会定期举办展览,并与其他文化机构和画廊进行联动。另外,画廊也与世界各地的博物馆,基金会等保持密切关联,不时进行合作。

Galerie Photo 12 画廊位于巴黎市中心历史悠久的 Le Marais 地区,地址为巴黎圣保罗花园街十四号。画廊也属于 Le Marais 的摄影艺术区内,区内就有著名的当代摄影艺术中心——欧洲摄影之家,并且附近有许多全球知名的画廊和博物馆,包括蓬皮杜艺术中心,法国国家现代艺术博物馆和毕加索博物馆。2012 年,瓦莱丽-安娜将业务扩展到洛杉矶,并开始在美国举办展览,同时在亚太地区寻求新的发展。2018年,画廊将业务扩展到了洛杉矶,在洛杉矶Miracle Mile的LA's Museum Row附近开辟了一个新空间,距离洛杉矶艺术博物馆只有一个街区。

Luc Fournol,因战后为《艺术》杂志拍摄著名艺术家而成名。他们中很多人成为了他的朋友。他的摄影对象包括:乔治·布拉克 (Georges Braque)、马克·夏卡尔 (Marc Chagall)、贝尔纳·布菲 (Bernard Buffet)、巴勃罗·毕加索 (Pablo Picasso)、让·谷克多 (Jean Cocteau) 等。

? LUC FOURNOL, Salvador Dali, 1970. Courtesy of Galerie Photo 12 (Paris & Los Angeles)

Luc 不仅喜欢拍摄画家,他也喜欢拍摄作家,比如:柯蕾特(Colette)、亨利·米勒 (Henry Miller)、田纳西·威廉斯 (Tennesse Williams)等。除此以外,还有音乐家,甚至诸如戴高乐、肯尼迪等政治人物。

? LUC FOURNOL, Anna Karenine & Jean-Luc Godard, 1960. Courtesy of Galerie Photo 12  (Paris & Los Angeles)


? CLARK & POUGNAUD, Lost in Meditation 1, 2011. Courtesy of Galerie Photo 12  (Paris & Los Angeles)

Willy Ronis, 出生于巴黎,父亲是来自俄罗斯和立陶宛的犹太移民。当他还是个小孩时,他就随父亲一起在家庭肖像工作室工作,同时学习钢琴。他对音乐的热爱以及他早年的摄影工作经历培养了Willy的创作意识。后来,他追随自己的热情开启了摄影记者的职业生涯,并因此成为伟大的巴黎纪实摄影师团体玛格南图片社的一员,同为成员的还包括亨利·卡蒂埃-布列松(Henri Cartier-Bresson)和罗伯特·多伊斯诺(Robert Doisneau)。


? Willy Ronis, Les amoureux de la colonne de la Bastille, 1957. Courtesy of Galerie Photo 12  (Paris & Los Angeles)

Giovanni Gastel1955 出生于米兰的名门世家,父亲名为朱塞佩·加斯特尔,母亲依达·维斯孔蒂·迪·莫德罗是意大利著名电影导演卢奇诺·维斯孔蒂·迪·莫德罗的妹妹。Giovanni 是在舅舅的影响下首次接受艺术的熏陶。20世纪70年代,Giovanni 第一次接触摄影后便立志成为一名摄影师。在意大利,他的声誉堪比安妮·莱博维茨 (Annie Leibovitz)、马里奥·特斯蒂诺 (Mario Testino) 和马里奥·索伦蒂 (Mario Sorrenti) 等主要国际时尚摄影师。

? GIOVANNI GASTEL, Dior, 1989. Courtesy of Galerie Photo 12  (Paris & Los Angeles)

Guy Bourdin,画家,也是一名自学成才的摄影师,曾为香奈儿、昂加罗、范思哲 和查尔斯·约丹等品牌工作。1952 年,他以Edwin Hallan的笔名在Galerie 29展出了他的第一张照片。如今,他的作品已在最负盛名的博物馆展出,如维多利亚和艾尔伯特博物馆、巴黎国家影像美术馆、中国美术馆、东京大都会摄影美术馆和莫斯科摄影之家。他的作品被许多著名机构收藏,如纽约现代艺术博物馆、洛杉矶盖蒂博物馆、旧金山现代艺术博物馆等等。

? GUY BOURDIN, Madga, 1970. Courtesy of Galerie Photo 12 (Paris & Los Angeles)

Lothar Schmid,在瑞士学习摄影,21 岁时获得在《Elle》法国版工作的机会,从此开启了他在时尚和美容摄影领域的国际职业生涯。他曾经服务的客户包括《Elle》、《Vogue》英国版、《嘉人》、《星期日泰晤士报》杂志等。洛塔尔所拍摄过的名人,包括凯瑟琳·德纽夫 (Catherine Deneuve)、黛安·克鲁格 (Diane Kruger)、索菲·马索 (Sophie Marceau)、莉亚·塞多克斯 (Lea Seydoux)、奥尔加·库里连科 (Olga Kurylenko)、杰里米·艾恩斯 (Jeremy Irons)、马塞洛·马斯特鲁亚尼 (Marcello Mastroiani)、保罗·科埃略 (Paulo Coelho) 等。

? LOTHAR SCHMIDT, Sophie Marceau, 2011. Courtesy of Galerie Photo 12 (Paris & Los Angeles)

Jean-Marie Périer,1940 年出生于纳伊。1956 年,他作为丹尼尔·菲利帕奇 (Daniel Filipacchi) 的助手开始了他的职业生涯。不久,他就为《爵士》杂志、《巴黎竞赛报》和《Tele7Jours》杂志工作。之后,他被征召到阿尔及利亚服役,在那里为法国陆军摄影部门工作。在洛杉矶和纽约度过的十年中,曾为可口可乐、加拿大干货、福特和雀巢等知名企业拍摄、企划广告。他希望回到摄影本身,再次感受到自己曾体验过的自由和创造力。

? JEAN-MARIE PERIER, Jagger, 1965. Courtesy of Galerie Photo 12 (Paris & Los Angeles)

André Carrara,1939 年出生于巴黎。Carrara第一次接触摄影时还是个青少年。当他陪妹妹去她工作的摄影实验室时,他有幸接触到自己人生中的第一台相机,在巴黎完成了自己第一张照片。这些经历使他着迷,并决定了他的未来:成为一名摄影师。他曾在《Vouge》、《Elle》、《Mademoiselle》、《Glamour》等著名杂志工作过。上世纪 90 年代,André 曾应安娜·温图尔(Anna Wintour)之求,定期为《Allure》等美国杂志工作。1980 年至 2000 年,在为《嘉人》杂志工作期间,他与沃尔特·罗斯佩特 (Walter Rospert) 以及后来担任艺术总监的弗雷德·拉威尔 (Fred Rawiler) 合作创作了他最完美的主题和最出色的照片。

? ANDRE CARRARA, Casta, 1994. Courtesy of Galerie Photo 12 (Paris & Los Angeles)

Nicolas Baghir出生于法国。Nicolas 是摄影师的艺名,也是他祖父的名字,其祖父于 1917年布尔什维克革命期间死于俄罗斯。巴吉尔的父亲当时还是一个孩子,随家人逃亡至法国,后来成为一名作家。在巴吉尔 8 岁时,父亲给了他一部照相机。十分内向的巴吉尔被图像所吸引,他带着相机到处拍摄,逐渐建立起自己的影像世界。

艺术家经过四年的探索,拍摄了 15000 张照片之后,推出了《数码扰动》Digital Perturbations系列。具有现代感的摄影作品体现了画意摄影主义运动风格的品质。他采用胶片摄影,通过传统工艺冲印于银盐相纸。所有作品都以数字命名,模糊的影像保持着一种神秘感,观赏者在空间和时间中穿越,仿佛来到一个遥远的地方,此时必须通过诠释的自由才能感悟到图像的唯美之处。“标题的匿名性增强了每幅图像的可能性,演绎独特的个性,观赏者通过视觉让自己迷失在图像之中,随后找到影像中那一珍贵的时刻。”所有的影像都是对于绘画美感的研究,向黑白摄影和绘画致敬,探索摄影师梦幻世界的未知领域。

? NICOLAS BAGHIR, PN080, 2015. Courtesy of Galerie Photo 12  (Paris & Los Angeles)

This year, Galerie Photo 12 will join Galerie DUMONTEIL to present the works of their represented artists at booth D15 of PHOTOFAIRS| Shanghai. The exhibition will be curated by Valerie Anne Giscard d 'Estaing.

Established in 2005 by Valérie-Anne Giscard d’Estaing, Galerie Photo 12 specializes in 20th century and contemporary photography. The gallery is distinguished by its commitment to promoting ideas and discourse through images and their multifaceted paths to creation. It also encourages an exploration of photography, film, and video that opens up a vast range of possibilities through different mediums linked to the image including conceptual work and video art, documentary series, iconic lifestyle and fashion photography, and cinema and theatre.


The gallery organizes regular exhibitions at its main space in Paris, shows its artists in cooperation with institutions, galleries and private collectors around the world, and participates in multiple international art fairs each year including Photo Shanghai, Art élysées, and Photo L.A. Located in Le Marais, Paris, France. The Gallery is a member of the Comité Professionnel des Galeries d'Art.


In 2012, Valerie-Anne Giscard d'Estaing established Fine Photographs LLC in Santa Monica, California in order to represent and show Photo 12 Galerie's photographers in the United States while opening a window to new perspectives across the Pacific in Asia (China and Korea). She acts as an Art Advisor, Art Dealer, and Curator. In 2017, Photo 12 Galerie opened a third location in the Former French Concession area of Shanghai, China.


Galerie Photo 12 will present works from artists Luc Fournol,Clark & Pougnaud, Giovanni Gastel, Willy Ronis, Guy Bourdin, Lothar Schmid, Jean-Marie Périer, André Carrara, Nicolas Baghir at 2019 PHOTOFAIRS| Shanghai.

Luc Fournol (France, 1931-2007) During the post-war years, Luc Fournol shot the most famous artists of the time for Art Magazine. Most of them became his friends and he took great pleasure as a collector of their works. The photographer counted Georges Braque, Marc Chagall, Bernard Buffet, Pablo Picasso, and Jean Cocteau amongst his contemporaries and subjects. 

? LUC FOURNOL, Alain Delon, 1958. Courtesy of Galerie Photo 12 (Paris & Los Angeles)

Fournol loved not only painters but artists in general. He made portraits of writers (such as Colette, Henry Miller, Tennesse Williams), musicians, actors, and even Presidents (including Charles De Gaulle and John F. Kennedy).

? LUC FOURNOL, Yves Saint Laurent, 1960. Courtesy of Galerie Photo 12 (Paris & Los Angeles)

Clark and Pougnaud are a French artistic duo, working as photographer and painter respectively. Clark grew up in an environment surrounded by photography. He was also his father's assistant before opening his own studio in the 1980s. Pougnaud, coming from a family of artists, has been in the art world since early childhood.


They formed their duo in the 1990s: Pougnaudimagines miniature stage sets, creates them, and paints the decor while Clark photographs them. Characters are photographed separately and then inserted in the decor.


Their work demonstrates a singular interdisciplinarity comprised of painting, studio models, and photographs. Their work is resolutely contemporary in the technique used, the choice of characters, the solid blocks of color, and the strong sense of staging. Their approach also elaborately weaves pictorial references of the twentieth century, such as Edward Hopper, René Magritte, and surrealist motifs.

? CLARK POUGNAUD, Lost in Meditation 11, 2011. Courtesy of Galerie Photo 12  (Paris & Los Angeles)

Willy Ronis was born in Paris, the son of Jewish immigrants from Russia and Lithuania. As a young boy, he worked with his father in the family portrait studio and studied piano. His love of music, as well as his early photography works, developed Ronis'sense of composition. He followed his passion into a career in photojournalism, and, as a result, Ronis became part of the great Parisian group of documentary photographers that also included Henri Cartier-Bresson and Robert Doisneau.

The images created by Willis Ronis capture the simple pleasures of everyday life. Not one to focus on suffering, his photographs are often light-hearted, humour-filled and full of compassion, even as they capture the delight of French joie de vivre. Ronis has had several books and monographs published on his work. As one of the great masters of twentieth-century photography, Ronis' works are in the collections of major museums and private collectors around the world.

Willy Ronis, Venise, Fondamenta Nuove, 1959. Courtesy of Galerie Photo 12  (Paris & Los Angeles)

Giovanni Gastel (Italy) was born in Milan in 1955, to Giuseppe Gastel and Ida Visconti di Modrone, the sister of the famous filmmaker Luchino Visconti, who in turn provided young Giovanni with his first exposure to the arts. Encountering photography in the 1970s and making first contact with the medium was a true revelation for the young artist. In Italy, his reputation is on par with major international fashion photographers such as Annie Leibovitz, Mario Testino, and Mario Sorrenti.

? GIOVANNI GASTEL, Untitled (Parrot), 2008. Courtesy of Galerie Photo 12 (Paris & Los Angeles)

Guy Bourdin, a painter, his entire life and a self-taught photographer, he was working for magazines, such as Vogue as well as for brands such as Chanel, Ungaro, Versace and Charles Jourdan. He exhibited his first photographies at Galerie 29 in 1952 under the pseudonym of Edwin Hallan. Nowadays his work has exhibited in the most prestigious museums, such as The Victoria & Albert Museum, The Jeu de Paume, The National Art Museum ofChina, The Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography and The Moscow House of Photography. His oeuvres are part of the collection of many prestigious institutions such as the MoMA in New York, The Getty Museum in Los Angeles, SFMOMA in San Francisco and the collection of the V&A among others.

? GUY BOURDIN, Madga, 1970. Courtesy of Galerie Photo 12 (Paris & Los Angeles)

Lothar Schmid (Switzerland) discovered his love for photography and studied in his native Switzerland. He had his first assignment at French Elle at the age of 21, which set off his international career in fashion and beauty photography. Clients included Elle, British Vogue, Marie Claire, The Sunday Times Magazine, Yves Saint Laurent and Dior. His celebrity photos include Catherine Deneuve, Diane Kruger, Sophie Marceau, Lea Seydoux, Olga Kurylenko, Jeremy Irons, Marcello Mastroianni, Paulo Coelho and others. 

? LOTHAR SCHMIDT, Sophie Marceau, 2011. Courtesy of Galerie Photo 12 (Paris & Los Angeles)


Jean-Marie Perier was born in Neuilly in 1940. He began his career as Daniel Filipacchi’s assistant in 1956. Soon he was working for Jazz magazine, Paris-Match and Tele7Jours. He was drafted to serve in Algeria where he worked in the French Army’s Photographic Department. He has spent ten years in LA and NY directing commercials for such prominent clients as Coca-Cola, Canada Dry, Ford and Nestlé. It was photography that he wished to return; to once again feel the freedom and creativity he experienced.

? JEAN-MARIE PERIER, Bellucci, 1998. Courtesy of Galerie Photo 12  (Paris & Los Angeles)

André Carrara is born in Paris in 1939, André Carrara was a teenager when he came into contact with photography for the first time. As he accompanied his sister to the photographic laboratory where she was employed, he was given a camera and made his first shots in Paris. These first experiences fascinated him and decided on his future: he would be a photographer. Throughout his career, he worked for prestigious magazines such as Vogue, Elle, Mademoiselle, Glamour, etc. In the 1990s, on the request of Anna Wintour, André Carrara worked regularly for the American Magazine Allure and other great reviews. However, the years 1980-2000 were above all the days of Marie-Claire and Marie-Claire bis for which he made, in collaboration with Walter Rospert and then Fred Rawiler as art directors, his most beautiful subjects and most beautiful photos.

? ANDRE CARRARA, Casta, 1994. Courtesy of Galerie Photo 12 (Paris & Los Angeles)

Nicolas Baghir Maslowski was born in France in 1974. Baghir, the photographer’s artist name, was the first name of his grandfather, who died in his native Russia during the Bolshevik revolution in1917. His father, in exile, emigrated to France as a child and eventually became a writer, giving a small camera to his own son Nicholas Baghir when he was 8 years old. As an introverted child captivated by images, Baghir took his camera everywhere, photographing everything that came into sight to create a personal photographic universe.

The artist realized his vision with his current series Digital Perturbations after four years of research and 15,000 photos. His images, quite contemporary, refer to the pictorialist movement in their painterly quality. He works with film and prints on silver gelatin paper, using the traditional process. Named only by number, the blurred photographs retain a sense of mystery in the eyes of the spectator, who often travels far in space and time to a place where freedom from the need for interpretation leads back to the image’s irreducible beauty. The images are above all a study of pictorial beauty, a homage to painting and black & white and color photography that explore the terra incognita of the photographer’s oneiric world.

? NICOLAS BAGHIR, PN715, 2015. Courtesy of Galerie Photo 12 (Paris & Los Angeles)

  联系方式 / Contact 

Paris (France)

10-14, rue des Jardins Saint-Paul, 75004Paris

T: +33 (0)1 42 78 24 21


Santa Monica (California)

331 22nd Street,Santa Monica, California

T: +1 310 451 4269

E: santa.monica@galerie-photo12.com


W: www.galerie-photo12.com

Ins: glaerie_xii

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作为亚太地区最具影响力的影像艺术平台、中国大陆最为国际化的艺博会,影像上海艺术博览会在过去几年中,对亚洲艺术影像市场起到了至关重要的推动作用,亦建立起关于艺术影像媒介最为权威和活跃的交流平台。影像上海保持开拓精神,聚焦国际前沿,以博物馆品质提供诸多版块的全新内容,为亚太藏家、观众和专业人士提供欣赏和发现影像艺术的最佳体验。影像上海艺术博览会的参展画廊均通过严格甄选和精心策展,分布在核心 ( Main ) 和平台 ( Platform ) 两大版块,前者汇集了专注于现当代摄影的国际顶尖画廊,后者则是新兴艺术家和国际画廊的重要平台 。从教科书级别的艺术大师,到活跃在国际摄影和移动影像前沿的艺术新星,逾百位各个年龄层次的优秀艺术家的力作将济济一堂。博览会亦推出『在场』( Staged )、『洞见』( Insights )、『焦点』( Spotlight )、『对话』( Conversations )等精彩特展和公共项目版块。


   2019 影像上海艺术博览会



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世界摄影组织是摄影活动的国际性平台,覆盖180多个国家。我们的目标是通过赞颂世界上最佳作品与摄影师,提升摄影相关话题的关注度。我们与全球的个人摄影师和行业领先的合作伙伴都建立了长久的纽带,为此我们引以为豪。世界摄影组织每年举办一系列丰富的活动,包括:2017年第十届的全球规模最大的摄影竞赛——索尼世界摄影奖,当地会面及讲座以及专注于摄影的国际艺术博览会——影像上海艺术博览会和影像旧金山艺术博览会。欲知更多详情,请访问 www.worldphoto.org

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