Installation shot of Tai Xiangzhou's solo exhibition Speculative Cosmologies, INK studio Beijing

《黄钟大吕》Cosmic Symphonies,水墨绢本 ink on silk ,28.5cmx42cmx20,2016
Cosmic Symphonies continues and elaborates Ma Yuan’s (act. 1190-1225) celebrated album depicting different aspects of water, from tranquil to turbulent. Tai tackles water not only as an earthbound liquid but also as mist, steam, ice, icy meteors, an aquatic environment, and even instantiations of abstract principles of physics—wave, flow, states of matter, and gravity. He adopts a correspondingly expansive repertoire of brushwork and inkwork. The dark swirling pools and the tiny dot-like stains seen in some of the leaves are his innovations and reflect his intimate familiarity with his materials. A cosmic perspective on water reminds us that waves, tides, and rainfall are all caused by earth’s rotation and interactions with the sun and the moon.

Installation shot of Tai Xiangzhou's solo exhibition Speculative Cosmologies, INK studio Beijing

《黄钟大吕》Cosmic Symphonies,水墨绢本 ink on silk ,28.5cmx42cmx20,2016

《黄钟大吕》之天音清籁(局部)Pure Music of Heave from Cosmic Symphonies (detail),水墨绢本 ink on silk ,28.5cmx42cm,2016

《黄钟大吕》Cosmic Symphonies,水墨绢本 ink on silk ,28.5cmx42cmx20,2016
