New Realm of the Decorative Art of Seals (Part three)
明清石章印钮与印体装饰是石雕艺术家的杰出创造。除了宫廷匠师与玉雕、牙雕、竹木雕艺人的参与以外, 在福建寿山、浙江青田都随着石章的加工制作出现了专业从事印钮雕刻的名工。
The decorative seal knobs and bodies of Ming and Qing stone seals were out- standing creations by artist stone carvers. In addition to the masters working within the palaces and the artists working at jade, ivory, bamboo and wood, there were professional craftsmen in Shoushan in Fujian and Qingtian in Zhejiang, specializing in seal knob carving as well as stone seal engraving.
a. 杨璇刻,狮钮,寿山田黄冻,清,上海博物馆藏
b. 周彬刻,龙凤浮雕,寿山田黄冻,清,上海博物馆藏
a. Shoushan Tianhuang jelly stone seal with lion knob, engraved by Yang Xuan. Qing Dynasty. Shanghai Museum
b. Shoushan Tianhuang jelly stone seal with relief carved dragon-phoenix knob, engraved by Zhou Bin. Qing Dynasty. Shanghai Museum
晚清寿山石雕形成东门、 西门两派。西门派名手林清卿 (1886 ~ 1948年)的薄意作品繁简得当,疏密相间,风格清雅。
Yang Xuan and Zhou Bin living in the reign of Emperor KangXi were representatives of seal top carvers in the Fuzhou region. Yang Xuan was good at carving round seal knobs; so too was Zhou Bin, but he was also superbly skilled at line engraving, relief carving and ancient patterns.
Shoushan stone carving was divided into two schools- the East Gate school and the West Gate school. Lin Qingqing (1886- 1948), a master of the West Gate school, was good at boyi, producing works of proper simplicity andaltemate den-sity in a refined style.
c. 林清卿刻,《山水人物》薄意(拓片),寿山杜陵石,近代
d. 《喜鹊登梅》薄意,寿山芙蓉石,近代,上海文物商店提供
c. Rubbing from a bas-relief work of “Landscape and Figures” (山水人物), engraved by Lin Qingqing
d. Shoushan Lotus stone seal of a bas-relief work “Magpies on Plum Trees” (喜鹊登梅). Modern age. Picture provided by Shanghai Antique Stone.
青田石雕钮的历史亦为悠久。晩清林茂祥(1857~ l924年)、周芒山( 1868 ~ 1942年)等人声名远播,传承至今已形成深厚的工艺传统。
Qingtian stone knob carving also has along history. The names of Lin Maoxiang (1857- 1924) and Zhou Mangshan (1868-1942) in the late Qing were known far and wide. Their craftsmanship has been handed down to the present day, forming a pro- found craft tradition.
e. 巧色甲虫,青田石,现代,倪东方提供
f. 云龙浮雕,青田石,清(陈鸿寿刻“门有通德家承赐书”),上海博物馆藏
e. Qingtian stone seal with decorative knob of a colored beetle. Contemporary. Picture provided by Ni Dongfang
f. Qingtian stone seal with imprint “With Dine Clan Tradition, Passing the Calligraphy Bestowed by the Emperor from Generation to Generation” (门有通德家承赐书) engraved by Chen Hongshou. The top is a relief carved dragon in clouds design. Qing Dynasty. Shanghai Museum