《偏 见》展由获得2005年度马塞尔·杜尚奖(Prix Marcel Duchamp)的法国艺术家克劳德·克劳斯基参与策划,法国艺术家艾尔莎·沃思、艺术团体得译工作室等参与展出和表演。
正如艺术家克劳德·克劳斯基所言,“朝向不同的视野,艺术家和公众所占据的位置立场通常是处在不断变换转移中的,《偏 见》就此提出和组织起一场对话。”
《偏 见》,“偏见”的无所不在和变幻莫测,它更加是我们已然领会的生存基础?是我们必然要取的生存策略和进路?展览和表演吸引观众和参与者,用自己的眼睛、脚步、手法,当然最重要的是自己的大脑和心思,亲自在场,体认我们不断转换的认知和行动问题。这蛊惑起一场集体生活中的相互揣测和关怀?这一知行的一念发动已然偏移,已然离开,同时也是向着他人而去?
“Tilt Horizon” is an inevitable, objective existence. Tilting is the unstable, shifting state of a given level, and existence is always an interactive relationship that is difficult to stabilize. However, “Tilt Horizon” is also an inevitable, subjective existence; it represents different positions that we must occupy, sub-stable relationships that face different directions, and visions that are constantly shifting and changing.
As the artist Claude Closky has said, “‘Tilt Horizon’proposes a dialogue about the always shifting places occupied by the artists and the public, confronting different horizons.”
“Tilt Horizon” is ubiquitous yet variable. More importantly, is it a foundation of existence that we fully understand? Is it a tactic or approach to existence that we must take? The exhibition and the performance attract viewers and participants, encouraging them to use their eyes, steps, gestures, and of course—and perhaps more importantly—their minds and thoughts. They are present to experience constantly changing and shifting thought and action. Does this induce collective speculation and concern for one another? Or has the idea and action already shifted, departing from yet moving towards someone else?
“Tilt Horizon” was co-curated by artist Claude Closky, winner of the 2005 Prix Marcel Duchamp; French artist Elsa Werth and art group DeYi Studio will participate in the exhibition and performance.